Thank You to Those Who Came Before Us

Company News

As we launch our new website, I feel it would be a great time to recognize and say thank you to those who have come before us, those who have spent countless hours working to ensure Jones-McLeod, Inc. is the best company it can be, a company that offers services above and beyond what our customers might expect.

Over the last several years two key members of the Jones-McLeod family have retired. Tom McLeod, the second-generation company president, and Glenn McAuley, technician turned service manager; both have traded in their computers, phones, and sticky notes for motorcycles, golf clubs, and campgrounds. I’d say it’s well deserved as each dedicated over 40 years of their lives to Jones-McLeod.

Tom built upon the foundation his parents laid and moved Jones-McLeod into the 21st century. He’s both well respected and a leader in our industry. He put his heart and soul into his company, its employees, and the relationships he made over his years in the business. We wish you the very best in retirement and we are very thankful for the company you built.

Glenn was one of our first outside service technicians. From there he was promoted to service manager at Jones-McLeod. His knowledge and expertise were unmatched in this business and he so willingly passed it on to his technicians. Thank you for your dedication to Jones-McLeod and we wish you all the best in your retirement.

– From your Jones-McLeod family